Just a quick note to let you know that the picture you drew on the One Million Masterpiece has been selected for the 2008 Official Project Calendar.
Your entry has been chosen for the June page, which has the theme Cats and Dogs. Our designers hand picked your image, so well done! Our official calendars are shipped to thousands of homes around the world, so you can be safe in the knowledge that your artwork will grace the walls of rooms across the globe and be enjoyed by many thousands of people. Your name will appear in the calendar as Eva Pert.
You can read more about the 2008 calendar in the following news articles on the OMM website :
http://www.millionmasterpiece.com/news-story?news_id=134 (background info and ordering)
http://www.millionmasterpiece.com/news-story?news_id=133 (A who's who of names that have made it)
This is a one time email only - you will not be contacted again about the 2008 calendar.
Well done again,
Paul Fisher
Naaaaiiiiisss! Ma tegin selle pisikese pildi nii ammu(ja ma tahan, et ta ei oleks nii leim :() ja kuna ma neile ei annetanud oli see sinna mitte pääsemine veel väiksem variant, aga näe :D Made it! Ja kui ma nüüd õieti mäletan, siis..
Siin on see "June" ja siis vasakult esimene tulp ja alt kolmas pilt. Vist :D Ma ise ka ei mäleta enam täpselt. God, see on nii ammu tehtud.
(EDIT: Ma otsisin sellelt saidilt oma profiili üles ja näe, SUURELT)
Sinna sai mingi ~1800 pilti ja sait näitab, et
27,124 artisti on kokku... Selle pildi number on 437678... Ma ei tea, aga ma eeldan, et väga palju pilte oli võistluses :D
Kurat. Siuke asi toob ikka naeratuse näole kogu selle muu jama keskel.