Tuesday, July 28, 2009

uued kogemused

Ja seda ma teengi.

Ja üle pika aja ei ole ma ennast nii invinciblena tundnud. Jah, ma olen endiselt paranoiline ja mu peas on mustmiljon mõtet, et äkki miski siiski ... Aga vahelduseks proovin neist üle olla.

Eilne õhtu tegi tuju heaks.

It's the little things in life that make a difference.

Olen järjekordselt ülesärganuna teine inimene, kui ma olin magama jäädes.

PS: Milow teeb head muusikat. Look into it!

Monday, July 27, 2009

milow - coming of age

Coming of age ain’t about what you do
It’s giving in to what’s predefined
When you trade all your dreams for compromise
It is never what you have in mind

One shot of happy, two shots of sad
That’s how our lives are aligned
The path that you chose has got highs has got lows
But it’s never what you have in mind


You might ask if these thoughts that I just summed up
Are of any importance to you
Maybe not but when things don’t turn out like you planned
It helps to know that they never do

Besides, if each shot of happy
Comes with only two shots of sad
Then coming of age is not so bad

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

gary go // vol1

I look in my crystal ball
And see nothing
I quietly wish I had it all
Or at least something

While the short waves
Sends chaos around us
I don't hear a thing
It's all so quiet in Brooklyn*

If I had a fresh start
I'd probably fail
So I drink my coffee
And open the mail
Now I hope the cruel words in your letter
Are baptized by my tears
I would try to make it all better
But it would take years

Cause while I've been feeding your ego
Mines been wearing thin

It's all so quiet in Brooklyn*


Saturday, July 18, 2009



nagu oleks, nagu ei oleks. ja kui on siis on ka poolik. tra küll, ma pean siis sellisest aru saama ja veel õnnelik olema?

figure out your life before trying to do it for me.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Friday, July 10, 2009


for once i'm worried about something important.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Sunday, July 5, 2009


Jessss! Morrissey kontsert, muideks, oli täiesti VAPUSTAV kogemus. Täiesti 100% väärt seda 600.- mis ta maksis!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

la rouxxx

Submerging from your world and back into my bliss
A day rolled into one is burning on my lips
Blurring all your words until they don't exist
And in a parallel universe it's me you can't resist

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


(317): when im not freaking out about dying alone and unloved, i actually really enjoy being single