Sunday, May 24, 2009

tegelt on ju halvasti

You talk about life, you talk about death
And everything in between
Like it's nothing, and the words are easy
You talk about me, and you talk about you
And everything I do
Like it's something, that needs repeating
I don't need an alibi or for you to realize
The things we left unsaid
Are only taking space up in our head

Make it my fault, win the game
Point the finger, place the blame
It does me up and down
It doesn't matter now

'Cause I don't care if I ever talk to you again
This is not about emotion
I don't need a reason not to care what you say
Or what happened in the end
This is my interpretation
And it don't, don't make sense

The first two weeks turn into ten
I hold my breath and wonder when it'll happen
Does it really matter?
If half of what you said is true
And half of what I didn't do could be different

Would it make it better?

If we forget the things we know
Would we have somewhere to go?

The only way is down, I can see that now

It's really not such a sacrifice

And it don't have to make no sense to you at all
'Cause this is my interpretation, yeah, yeah, yeah

Täiesti PERSES, kuidas üks inimene võib ühel hetkel tunda, et sa oled talle pool maailma ja järgmine hetk su oma elust välja visata. Täiesti perses, kuidas ma lasen sellistel asjadel endaga mängida.

Ja TÄIESTI PERSES, kuidas sellised asjad juhtuvad ALATI just siis kui mul ei ole aega selle kõige peale mõelda. Mul on esmaspäeval eksam ja ma peaks õppima. A mida ma teen? PÕEN. That's what.

Türa küll. Ma pole juba väga ammu nii vihane olnud.

Ja nii kurb...

11:45:33 xxx: okei
11:45:34 xxx: bye then
11:45:36 xxx: oli fun

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